+61 400 173 900 info@megmongolia.com

Responsible Travel

Join Meg in Her Quest to Combat Poverty and Support Vulnerable Communities in Mongolia

Meg's Mission: Transforming Lives in Mongolia

Since, there are many social issues in Meg’s country, including poverty and disability, Meg wanted to use her business as a way of contributing to her community to make positive change.  In Mongolia many people are living in poverty on the streets collecting empty bottles and cans, just trying to make enough money to survive, struggling as single parents whose children may be without food for several days. Those children who are disabled or abandoned rely on the generosity of others to supplement what the government can provide.

Travel that changes lives.

Meg began by volunteering at the state run orphanage, it made her sad to see many young children without a home or family. Meg hopes these children are adopted before they begin to have childhood memories. Meg enjoys seeing them happy when they receive small gifts. However, without their parents it is apparent that there is sadness in the children’s eyes.

For this reason we also support local charities who work in these areas to help drive the movement towards positive change in the communities in which we travel.

Meg undertook research on different charities in Mongolia, mostly involving children and single parents. As a result of the research she has instigated different activities in the past few years including: Donations for the State Orphanage, supplying wheelchairs, donations for single parents, human rights, Cricket Mongolia, Association of Parents with disabled children and Center of Against Domestic Violence. Meg’s family did a volunteering in Malawi, Africa. Meg loves to think of it as only the beginning of her work and is expanding her activities every year where possible.

Sustainable Gift and Donation Tips

By choosing Meg’s Adventure Tours in Mongolia, you are already helping local communities in need in Mongolia.  A portion of the profits from the company goes to local projects such as these Charity Work Articles.  Alternatively, if you wish to contribute to community projects directly through this website, you may donate safely and securely (see link etc). Even small donations make a huge difference. You can also support local craftspeople and artists by buying souvenirs. Lists of supplies that are needed by local communities and would certainly be appreciated. Items range from medical and school supplies to clothing and hygiene essentials.

Gifts for locals & sustainable gifts

  • School SuppliesGeneral school supplies are always needed – they include pencils and pencil sharpeners, rulers, erasers, solar calculators, and chalk. World maps, and even age-appropriate storybooks in English. Colouring books, crayons geographic educational books.
  • Clothing and shoesNew or gently used children’s clothing is always well received
  • ToysWhile shared toys like basketballs and soccer balls can bring joy, gifting individual toys may lead to challenges. Prepare to have enough for every child or consider discreet distribution through adults for special occasions like birthdays or academic achievements.
  • First Aid Kit & HealthBandages/plasters, antibiotic ointment, toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste, soap, suncream and feminine care products (like sanitary napkins) will be used and appreciated.
  • Gifts from homePost card, fridge magnet, key chain, drying towels, eco friendly flash light or head torch from your home country.
  • Shop locally–Support local businessDon't worry if you can't bring gifts; you'll find everything you need in the capital city or during your Mongolian travels. Supporting local businesses not only bolsters the economy and creates jobs but also enhances the community's sustainability. When you shop locally, you contribute to the appeal of our area for tourists, who are drawn to unique, individual shops.

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