+61 400 173 900 info@megmongolia.com

Helping disabled children and their parents

Helping disabled children and their parents

The Association of Parents with Disabled Children (APDC) is a network of parents in Mongolia and founded in 2000 through the grass-roots efforts of parents. The association works to protect the rights of children with disabilit

Meg’s Adventure Tours started supporting the association and parents by providing new equipment for the children. This includes a purpose built chair to assist children with Cerebral Palsy improve their sitting ability. In the future Meg aims to buy more equipment and to help as much as she can to support the hard working, strong parents who care for their children in both the countryside and town locations with APDC.

Children with Disabilities have long been in my heart and mind. Helping them to find new & exciting opportunities is great pleasure for me. I sometimes wonder who gets greater benefit from the things we do, them or me!
My clients are very glad to know that they get to share in the work that we do with the disadvantaged. Because a portion of the income from the business goes toward their needs.

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